
mushroom stick Learn more about mushroom stick

  • How to grow mushrooms, with cultivation precautions

    How to grow mushrooms, with cultivation precautions

    Construction site: construction site should be located in a place with leeward sun, sufficient illumination and abundant water resources. Preparation of bacteria stick: bacteria stick contains culture medium, common cottonseed hull, and then in the bacteria stick filled with other nutrients, while paying attention to control temperature and moisture. inoculation

    2020-11-08 mushroom how planting method attachment cultivation precautions abstract
  • Cultivation techniques of mushroom

    Cultivation techniques of mushroom

    First of all, to buy sticks, it is best to buy those that have grown white mycelium. Put the stick in a dark place and spray water regularly every day. Do not water the mushrooms after they come out, just keep the stick moist and keep the temperature at 20-28 degrees. About one

    2020-11-09 Mushroom cultivation techniques first buy stick best already
  • Key points of management of Lentinus edodes after water injection

    Key points of management of Lentinus edodes after water injection

    After water injection, Lentinus edodes should strengthen the ventilation of the greenhouse and control the temperature in the greenhouse, and certain light stimulation and temperature difference stimulation can be given to promote mushroom production. Note that if the bacteria stick is heavy, you can first take off the bag and then inject water. The bacteria stick is light, and then you can inject water first.

    2020-11-08 Lentinus edodes water injection after management main points summary in
  • Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Since the 1990s, the successful cultivation technology of mushroom in Qingyuan County Edible Mushroom Scientific Research Center has been rapidly popularized and applied to the whole country, which has made a great contribution to the transformation of Lentinus edodes production from quantity to quality in the vast rural areas. However, in the production of Lentinus edodes, the production of Lentinus edodes has been restricted by a large amount of work, such as sterilization of mushroom sticks, inoculation operation, manual bag cutting and so on, and the problems such as low rate of finished products, irregular mushroom production and abnormal mushroom body have been restricting the development of Lentinus edodes production, especially causing great obstacles to intensive production. To that end, I

  • Cause Analysis and Preventive measures of burning rotten Lentinus edodes sticks

    Cause Analysis and Preventive measures of burning rotten Lentinus edodes sticks

    From the end of June to the first ten days of August 2003, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province had a rare weather with high temperature and little rain lasting more than 40 days. The temperature above 40 ℃ reached 14 days, among which the urban area of Lishui reached 43.2 ℃, breaking through the historical extreme value and ranking first in the country. It has had a serious impact on people's production and life, especially on the production of Lentinus edodes. The mycelium of Lentinus edodes was harmed by high temperature, such as black water, rotten loose tube and so on. Of the 350 million bags of mushroom sticks in the city, 150 million bags were rotten by burning bacteria at high temperature, accounting for

  • When a girl graduated with a master's degree, a farmer led him to get rich with 75000 bacterial sticks.

    When a girl graduated with a master's degree, a farmer led him to get rich with 75000 bacterial sticks.

    When a girl graduated with a master's degree, a farmer led him to get rich with 75000 bacterial sticks.

  • Management of Spring Mushroom in Lentinus edodes substitute cultivation

    Management of Spring Mushroom in Lentinus edodes substitute cultivation

    The spring mushroom management of Lentinus edodes must be managed according to the local climate characteristics. The spring climate in the south of the Yangtze River is characterized by low temperature, overcast and rainy, and humid. When the daily average temperature is more than 12 ℃, spring mushroom management can be carried out. Spring is the peak period of outdoor Lentinus edodes, and its output accounts for 30% and 60% of the annual output of Lentinus edodes (depending on the variety and stick-making time sooner or later). Before management, water replenishment should be carried out according to the number of mushroom batches, water loss and pollution. The main results are as follows: (1) after the replenishment water is harvested in 2-3 batches in autumn, the water content of the bacteria stick comes out.

  • Causes of rotting of Lentinus edodes rods and its control techniques

    Causes of rotting of Lentinus edodes rods and its control techniques

    In recent years, some producing areas of Lentinus edodes have appeared different degrees of rotting phenomenon (that is, rotting and disintegrating during the culture period), resulting in a waste of resources and economic losses of mushroom farmers, and some areas have seriously threatened the development of mushroom industry. For example, in Qingyuan County, the decay rate of bacterial sticks reached 17% and 31% respectively in 1999 and 2003, and more than 50% in individual farmers, resulting in serious losses. In this regard, we have conducted a special investigation and research since 1997, and preliminarily explored the causes of bacterial rotting and its control techniques. 1. The cause of rotting of bacterial stick

  • Causes of rotting of Lentinus edodes sticks and its control techniques

    Causes of rotting of Lentinus edodes sticks and its control techniques

    In recent years, some mushroom producing areas have appeared varying degrees of rotting phenomenon, resulting in a waste of resources and economic losses of mushroom farmers, some areas have seriously threatened the development of mushroom industry. For example, Xianliang Town, Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province, in 1999, the decay rate of bacterial sticks reached 17%, individual farmers reached more than 50%, and suffered heavy losses. In this regard, we have conducted a special study since 1999 to find out the causes of decay and prevention and control techniques. 1. The reason for rotting of bacterial rods is that rotting of rods often occurs in the old mushroom areas where they have been cultivated for a long time.

  • Introduction to cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes

    Introduction to cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes

    Culture material formula and preparation method: 1. Formula: for the cultivation of white Flammulina velutipes, the raw materials and formula should mainly consider the content of carbon and nitrogen and the ratio between them. Generally speaking, less auxiliary materials can be added to nutritious raw materials, and more wheat bran can be added to raw materials with less nitrogen. Because the white Flammulina velutipes is.

  • Causes and control measures of rot of Lentinus edodes rods

    Causes and control measures of rot of Lentinus edodes rods

    Lentinus edodes, also known as flower mushroom, hericium Erinaceus, mushroom, incense, mushroom, is the fruiting body of mushroom of Pleurotus ostreatus. Lentinus edodes is the second largest edible mushroom in the world, and it is also one of the specialties in China. It's a kind of growth in wood.

    2020-11-08 Lentinus edodes mushroom sticks rot causes and control measures
  • A brief discussion on the key points of management techniques of wood edible fungi in summer

    A brief discussion on the key points of management techniques of wood edible fungi in summer

    A brief discussion on the key points of management techniques of wood edible fungi in summer

  • The cause of slow growth of Pleurotus ostreatus stick and its solution

    The cause of slow growth of Pleurotus ostreatus stick and its solution

    In the cultivation of mushrooms, the stick is one of the means of inoculation, the use of different mushrooms is different, some farmers use corncobs for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, although the hyphae appear mushroom buds, but the fruiting body grows slowly, what should we do? Come together.

    2020-11-10 Most Xinping mushroom stick growth slow cause and solve in
  • The "getting rich umbrella" of farmers in Wensu County, a big industry of small mushrooms.


    The "getting rich umbrella" of farmers in Wensu County, a big industry of small mushrooms.

  • How to accelerate bud of Lentinus edodes with bag material?

    How to accelerate bud of Lentinus edodes with bag material?

    How to accelerate bud of Lentinus edodes with bag material? What does Lentinus edodes need to pay attention to? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the bag material cultivation of Lentinus edodes by injecting water or soaking bags, which will make the water content in the mushroom stick too high; some do not produce mushrooms for a long time, miss the mushroom cultivation season, and affect the yield, quality and efficiency. A farming network.

  • What if the latest Lentinus edodes stick fails to change color?

    What if the latest Lentinus edodes stick fails to change color?

    In the process of Lentinus edodes cultivation, the color conversion of mushroom sticks is a very important link, which generally leads to color conversion failure, which leads to the decline of Lentinus edodes yield and quality, and seriously affects the economic benefits of mushroom farmers. So what should we do if the mushroom stick fails to change color?

    2020-11-10 The latest Lentinus edodes mushroom stick transfer color failure how to do in Lentinus edodes
  • Measures to prevent the difficulty of mushroom production from bag material

    Measures to prevent the difficulty of mushroom production from bag material

    In recent years, the "Xixia Model" of cultivating mushroom with plastic frame has become a model for the northward migration of mushrooms from south to north in China, blooming all over the country. However, due to the regional climate temperature difference and the lack of understanding of mushroom varieties and fruiting characteristics in newly developed areas, the use of medium temperature mushroom varieties, such as 135,241,939,L26, etc., or the same type of strain, in the low temperature season to promote the mushroom, there will be abnormal phenomenon that the mushroom cannot normally produce, light will reduce production, heavy loss. Now we will control the bag material

  • Three-dimensional cyclic cultivation technique of Grape-Lentinus edodes in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province

    Three-dimensional cyclic cultivation technique of Grape-Lentinus edodes in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province

    Zhejiang Jinhua Grape-Lentinus edodes three-dimensional Recycling cultivation Technology Fund Project Zhejiang Science and Technology Plan Project (2015C32130); Zhejiang Fruit Industry Technical team Project (Regional trial Station). In recent years, the grape planting area in Zhejiang Province has been 15.

  • Rapid budding technique of Lentinus edodes planted in bags

    Rapid budding technique of Lentinus edodes planted in bags

    Bag cultivation of Lentinus edodes with water injection or bubble bag method will make the water content in the stick too high, and the mushroom farmers have been busy cutting the bag film to protect the mushroom buds for a long time. Some do not produce mushrooms for a long time, miss the cultivation season of flower mushrooms, and affect the yield, quality and efficiency. In this paper, a set of rapid bud induction method is introduced. Directional piercing hole: four iron nails with a length of 10cm are used, which are 1.5 cm thick, 45cm long and suitable for hand-held wood. All the nails should be inserted. Stab two rows of dough on the mushroom stick with nails, 2 rows and 8 eyes on one side. Vertical type

  • After losing 200000 yuan in one night

    After losing 200000 yuan in one night

    After losing 200000 yuan in one night
